Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Babies who were orphaned now have homes thanks to your support!

Please read below, and see for yourself how RIGHT NOW lives are changing due to support for Amani Children's Foundation...... and even hitting closer to home, two of our babies from last year now have HOMES... something we so often take for granted!!!! Come out this Saturday and help take care of more babies until their parents find them and take them HOME!

REAL stuff from Jane Stephens, founder of Amani Children's Foundation sent on Feb 23:

Hi Jane,

I'm in Kenya! We've been on the road and just got to Nairobi and email, so I hope it's not to late to get this to you!

How exciting to hear all that's cooking with TriForAmani!! We arrived for Open Day on Sat, and the first family I met was a couple who had just adopted their second little girl from the Nyeri home. (Katherine Bilhah) Their first was Wambui. I was, of course, beside myself to meet a family with little girls we'd been praying and working for for so long and began telling them all the miracles that have come together to support the Nyeri home over the last two years.

I started into the story of TriForAmani, then realized that none of it was even conceivable to this lovely, happy family from Mt. Kenya, so I shortened it all to, "So many people have loved and cared for your girls from far away--and we're so happy to know that you're now loving and caring for them forever-beyond anything anyone else could do."

I'm attaching a pic of them. I don't think it does justice to their mom's "new mom" glow, but it does show how precious these little girls are!!

Galen is being adopted by a Dutch family!! They go to court in a few weeks. And Abby is being adopted by a single Kenyan businesswoman. She is as bright and strong a force as Abby! I'm hoping to catch up with her in Nyeri! Your efforts for them have already taken root for a lifetime!

THANK you!!!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prize packages are blowing up for the Feb 26 FUNdraiser for TriForAmani!
Sign up now for any one of the 7 races- and get a great workout for a great cause by emailing $25 minimum donation but the best prize package goes to the highest fundraiser for the day! Check out more on the events page!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Check out the new event information about the awesome fundraiser to be held on February 26 at Fitness For Life!! And in other fabulous news, our family had a yard sale to get rid of many things that had been sitting on our garage unused, and raised $506 for Amani!! The "Stuff" in our garage will now translate to a baby being supported for half a year! All before 11am..... that's a great start to a Sunday!