Tuesday, August 10, 2010


On July 31, 12 amazing, strong women competed in FS Series Sprint and Olympic Triathlons on my old stomping ground of Washington, NC! (I lived there from '84-'89.) It was super to go back there as an adult and with determination to complete my longest race yet- a mile swim, 28 mile bike ride, then a 10K run. This is double the distance of any of the other 3 races I've completed. I was nervous! But, two days before I left for the trip, I received the story of Michael- the baby whose face I thought of during the run- who will receive a year of support thanks to TriForAmani. Read below from Jane Stephens, founder of Amani.


I just got home from our summer trip to Kenya. On Wed. night before going to the airport, we stopped in to say good-bye at New Life Home, and a few minutes after we got there, the police showed up with a baby. He had been brought to them by an old man who had found him in an empty apartment. We read the man's accompanying statement saying he wanted to make sure the baby was taken care of. He and his family had put every piece of baby clothing imaginable on him before bringing him to the home. Under all the layers of clothing, the baby's tiny fingers and toes were still peeling from birth. Eunice thinks he was born earlier that day.

They arrived with him at 5:45 PM--very fortunate, because after 6PM, new babies have to go the the hospital before coming to NLH. Eunice and Nurse Margaret were delighted by him and Mary Beckenham named him Michael in honor of the kids in your group. The staff were all beaming over the choice, saying that indeed he did look like a little angel. I can't remember ever seeing a more beautiful child-- and right after birth.

I'm attaching pictures I got from his first night. They don't do him justice or the spirit of night. It was so special.

I thought it might be good to know you're carrying him with you as you run."

I don't know about you, but this hits home to me!! Keep sending your support! And check out baby Michael!

YES! another tri, another beautiful baby supported for a year!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Eat at Moe's Southwest Grill on Oleander Tuesday July 27th with this flyer and 20% will go straight to Amani!


Local Tri-Athlete Jane Ellison is raising funds for The Amani Children’s Foundation.


If you enjoy good food and a good cause, come July 27th to Moe’s Southwest Grill, 4401 Oleander Drive

Present this flyer and 20% of your purchase will go directly to orphaned children in Africa!

Eating for a good cause!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kure Beach Double Sprint Triathlon June 27, 2010

Another race, another baby helped for a year! YAHOO! Donations are adding up, thanks to friends and family, and Moe's Southwest Grill for letting people eat good food for a good cause for a day before each race! I am so proud of myself for completing my 3rd Tri.... For Amani!! The Kure Beach Double Sprint Triathlon was a cool setup- 374 meter ocean swim, then 1.5 mile run to the bike, a 12 mile bike, then back on with the sneaks for the 1.5 mile run back to the ocean and then the same swim repeated with a sprint to the finish line..... in the sand! Perhaps the coolest part (other than the locals who generously hosed us down with garden hoses as we ran by!) was having friends and family there at every transition. Emmy and Pete (from LA!) were at every start and finish of each component, and the Tutino family and my children were all there with our favorite Blackwells at the finish line. What a feeling!
Now, the plot is thickening, just as the heat is on- literally and figuratively. I don't know what I've gotten myself into but on July 31st I will compete in an Olympic distance triathlon which is a mile swim, 28mile bike, then a 6.2 mile run in my old hometown of Little Washington. I am terrified! But I will be with 11 of my favorite ladies who are also racing, and I will just remember that I am racing for those darling faces in Kenya. TriForAmani!!!
Do you think that since I am doubling the distance we could double the support? Could we take care of 2 babies with this race???? Let's try it! Send in your donation today!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

By completing the Wilmington Athletic Club Triathlon, I reached my goals in more ways than one! Thanks to a few generous donors and a successful fundraiser at Moe's Southwest Grill (Thanks Johnston!!!), we have taken care of another beautiful child in need in Kenya!! (picture soon coming!) I also reached my personal time goal in this race, but don't think I would have stopped for a second. Racing for these children doesn't leave that option on the table. Please consider supporting Amani Children's Foundation through a donation that will go straight to Kenya!! Better yet, JOIN ME! Think of how we can exponentially grow the support when you use your creativity and physical stamina to do something powerful! Anything and everything is far more than the children have now!!! Stay tuned..... I think the plot is thickening!

Add one to the books!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Keep the love coming! Next race is April 11th!

Let's keep the momentum! I will be racing in the WAC (Wilmington Athletic Club) Sprint Triathlon on Sunday, April 11th! Still racing for those faces in Kenya- they are still my motivators when I would rather play in the garden or enjoy a nap while the kids are quiet. I think of those sweet children and .... off to the gym. Consider joining me!! It's fun! Every little bit adds up... if you feel so inclined, send a little support in the way of a check made directly to Amani Children's Foundation to Jane Ellison, PO Box 403, Wrightsville Beach, NC, 28480.

Also, EAT AT MOE'S on Oleander Drive near College Rd in Wilmington on Thursday, April 8th! 20% will go to support Amani Children's Foundation! Thanks, Johnston for the love!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I did it!

SCORE one for me and one for Amani!! Race #1 the Azalea Festival Triathlon was a success on so many levels. Most importantly, I had FUN! Additionally, I raised more than my target amount to send directly to Amani Children's Foundation! www.amanichildren.org Last, I beat my personal goal times for the race! What an experience. It was so much fun to do this, and to do it with Lucien who rocked the house in what was also his first triathlon!!

But I'm not finished yet!!! My next race is April 11th! Please keep the support coming in and stay tuned for more ways you can help :) I feel like this is just the beginning!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's hard to believe that my first race is coming up in just 10 days! I've not sold you short: I've been swimming, biking, and running more than I ever thought I could! I have learned so much about myself and have made great strides in my physical and mental stamina. When I first wrote you, I believed that I could do this, and now I am certain.

The one thing I have fallen short on is building and communicating about Tri for Amani. Now that I have a base fitness level in place for these races, I hope to find a little more time to spend on Tri for Amani. The gist is: I desperately want to raise money for Amani Children's Foundation on my triathlon journey. To me, making this less about me and more about helping others is critical. The beautiful faces of Kenyan children have been my focus when training has been tough, the rain has been cold, the winds have been blowing, or the water has been chilly under the bubble. I think of the children we can help together and I swim smoother, I bike faster, and I run with a little less of a grimace and a lot more of a smile. I am doing this Tri for Amani, and I need your help.

What can you do? Take your pick, or pick all of these!

1- do a little dance, send a little love, or say a little prayer for me the morning of March 13th!
2- Support me! Send a check made directly to Amani Children's Foundation to my home address (PO Box 403, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480). I'm hoping to support (at least!) one child with every race, sending the money in together- Remember: supporting one child for a year is only $1000. I have $325 so far for my first race, and every little bit counts! Let's see how many children we can help!
3-Join me! Sign up at setupevents.com and let's play! Spread the word that you are training and racing to help Kenyan children and tell everyone about Amani Children's Foundation. amanichildren.org is full of great information and INSPIRATIONAL FACES! If I can do this, anyone can!

Thank you for your support in whatever capacity you give it. It's brought me far to this point!